Current Goals

For whoever's interested, this is the current progress report:

  1. Episode One [Completed]
  2. Episode Two [In Progress]
    1. Intro [Completed]
    2. First Hub [Completed]
    3. Mission One: Aiden [Completed]
    4. Second Hub [Completed]
    5. Mission Two: Olivia [Completed]
    6. Third Hub [In Progress]
      1. Axel [Written]
      2. Olivia [Written]
      3. Noah [In Progress]
      4. Maya
      5. Lukas
      6. Aiden
      7. Stella
      8. Gill
      9. Radar
      10. Reuben
    7. Mission Three: Petra
    8. Mission Four: Maya
    9. Finale

Then, Episode Three, which I know what I want to do with but haven't fully committed to the structure yet.

Happy building!

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(2 edits)

Also, in today's update:

  • Images will try to all load in once at the start of the game, instead of constantly reloading themselves offscreen (sorry if that was costing CPU for anybody, my b).
  • NEW EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE: In-game dictionary! Keywords are highlighted to learn more about things. I don't know if it makes things better, but it's completely optional, so that's what really matters at the end of the day.
  • Stella's appearance has been changed, to make a bit more sense. Hopefully.
  • Changed the theme music (because the original edit file went missing). I added some instruments, but if you don't like them let me know.